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  1. The Information Technology Branch (CTM) was upgraded to Information Technology Division (BTM) on 16th March 2014. BTM is headed by a Director (JUSA C - Information Technology Officer) who is directly responsible to the Deputy Director General of Customs (Management).

  2. This division consists of two (2) branches and the respective units are as follows:

    Application branch :
    • Core Application Unit
    • Supporting System Application Unit

    Infrastructure and network branch:
    • ICT Asset and User Support Unit
    • Network and Security Unit
    • Data Center Unit

  3. Both branches are headed by Deputy Directors and supported by the Administration, Compliance and Monitoring Unit.


    ICT Vision of JKDM ICT

    As a driven transformation of services delivery systems towards global modernization of Customs.


    JKDM's ICT mission

  1. Strengthen ICT capacity as a key thrust to the efficient and effective of delivery systems and sharing information

  2. Reinforce ICT infrastructure and application to strengthen the efficiency of revenue collection services trade facilitation and law enforcement.

  3. Implementing the ICT thoroughly to produce skilled and innovative staffs



  1. To established JKDM computerized information systems to support the implementation of Customs operation activities towards the efficient and effectiveness and to provide latest information to the management in decision making.

  2. To managed and maintained Department’s ICT hardware and software to the reliable, effective, meets the established standards and customer satisfaction.



  1. To planned and implement the Department’s ICT strategy and Policy

  2. To design, develop, implement and maintain application systems based on JKDM ICT Strategic Plan

  3. To provide, manage and maintain the Department’s ICT infrastructure especially in security aspects.

  4. To Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of existing ICT projects to determine its benefit and suitability in supporting the operational and management functions of the Department

  5. To manage daily operations of the Data Center and plan and implement all matters pertaining to the safety of Department’s Data Center.

  6. To provide ICT technical advice and assistance to all system users.

  7. To implement ICT training and programs continuously among the staffs.


Client Charters


  2. • Review and prepare a proposal paper for approval for procurement / development of new ICT system within one (1) month.


  4. • Manage application system problems within seven (7) days from the date of the damage / problem report received, which requires the supplier's actions.

    • Solve system operation problems requiring amendments to database records within 30 minutes from the time the application is received.

    • Approves and updates Pattern ID and Mode for system access application within 10 minutes from the time the written request is received.

    • Review proposed system improvements and submit for suppliers' actions within 2 weeks from the date the proposal is received.

    • Provide feedback on each modified re-test based on the proposal or Software Report (SPR) received within 1 week from the date the re-test is implemented.

    • Manage and solve technical problems and damage to computer equipment within three (3) days from the date of the damage report or technical problems received from the user.

    • Maintain a data network within one (1) day from the date / time of the damage report received.

We also recognize the rights of our clients as follows:-

  • Friendly, fair, precise and professional services

  • Report / feedback received within the stipulated period.

  • Opportunity to make complaint, comment and suggestion.